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Sitting Duck

Posted on Tue Jan 16th, 2024 @ 5:19am by Captain Mikoto Misaka & Lieutenant Commander Peter Carter Jr & Lieutenant Commander Sonak & Commander Eila Juutilainen 'Illu' & Lieutenant James Henderson & Lieutenant Felicie Giehl & Lieutenant JG Kromal Ezazzan
Edited on on Tue Jan 16th, 2024 @ 5:19am

1,203 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Search
Location: Various - USS Ermiana

The Ermiana drifting in the badlands. Her nacelles and engines flickered and sparked as she listed to one side against the backdrop of gold and yellow. It had been nearly two hours since the Maquis caught the Federation starship by surprise, raided the cargo bays and also abducted the Cardassian Gul that was on board. It had happened ever so quickly and the Starfleet officers aboard the ship had had hardly any chance to react.

What made things worse was that the ship's chief of security, Lieutenant Commander Lurath had been badly injured in the attack. He was currently in a coma in the ship's sickbay, right now the Ermiana was a sitting duck.


"Status on the engines?" Captain Misaka asked as she manned the security/tactical console. Several engineering and operations teams had arrived and were already starting repairs on the damaged bridge systems.

"We're operating on emergency power," reported the Gorn Chief Operating Officer who himself had sustained injuries. He was sitting at the Ops console and using his claws to access the console quickly. He had personally been responsible for helping thwart the attack on the bridge and also apprehending prisoners. What value they had didn't matter to Kromal. He rubbed his jaw, which still was loose and leaked saliva now and then causing a slurping sound when he spoke. "Looks like shields are still powered, though, but we're not going to have power to spare for all systems right now. We'll need to give time for repair teams to catch up ... if they're active. Engines are .... well, they'll be questionable, Captain, until power issues are fixed."

Misaka sighed as she tapped her comm badge. "Bridge to Engineering. How are we looking? I know I've been bugging you, but I'd rather not sit here defenceless..." she said.

=A= Captain we're in a bad way. =A= Pete said breaking off into a string of oaths that'd make a Romulan blush. =A= Captain, I'll have to call you back. Out. =A= Pete closed the comm. A few minutes passed before Carter called back. =A= Captain ... We're in bad shape. Christ, I'm surprised we're here at all. We have power outages all over the ship, half a dozen shield generators are out, and the rest are strained to the limits. The Impulse Engines are supporting the structural integrity fields and anti-gravs on 4 decks. Ma'am that's just the very beginning of it. =A=

=A= Understood Commander, estimate on the critical repairs? =A= Misaka asked.

=A= 48 hours, working double tides.Provided things don't get worse. Bristol fashion a week at the first guess. =A= Carter said the strain already starting to sound in his voice.

Misaka let out a long sigh. That would give the Maquis a two-day head start. In that time they could be in any part of the badlands. No doubt by now they were already heading back to their home base if they hadn't arrived already.

"Lieutenant Ezazzan, go down to Engineering and help them out. Have your people assist with repairs. The quicker we get moving the better," Misaka ordered.

"By your command, Captain," the Gorn said as he rose. He swiftly left the bridge.

Misaka nodded as she watched the Gorn swiftly leave the bridge. She only hoped that nothing else would go wrong.

James slowly opened his eyes and immediately shut them again once the light hit his retinas.

"Oh my god, did someone get the registry of the freighter that ran me over," he mutters while rubbing his temples to try and ease the pain in his head.

He was taken out in the first moments of the attack on the bridge being hit at close range with a very heavy stun beam. After checking over himself to make sure that he wasn't seriously injured, only having a really painful shoulder, he sat himself down at his console and started running diagnostics on the helm and navigation systems

"Captain, The Ermainia is listing 42 degrees to port, I only have partial control of the navigational thrusters, just enough to keep us steady, but not enough to get us upright or move us anywhere else. Navigational sensors are unreliable after 5,000km. Beyond that range, there are sensor echoes and ghosts, but I can tell you there is nothing within that range that can damage us. I can't be sure, but we may be venting plasma, you would need to confirm that with engineering. Essentially, ma'am, we're sitting ducks movement wise"

After reporting to the captain, James then quickly sent a notice out to see if any of his staff were injured or possibly worse. He may only have a small department of CONN officers and shuttle pilots to manage, but they are a small close-knit family.

He was quite relieved when it came back that the only injured person was his Chief Deputy and that she was recovering in sickbay.

'May have to check up on her to see how she is when I go and get my shoulder checked out' James thought, while gently rubbing and trying to rotate his shoulder to ease the pain.

Without warning the security console began to beep rapidly, sounding the proximity alarm. "What the..." Misaka said as she switched to the external tactical sensors. The colour from her face drained as she saw a Cardassian Galor Class cruiser approaching them.

"Looks like the Cardassians are back..." she said. "I wonder what they want?"

It didn't take long for them to hailthe wounded Starfleet Vessel. Misaka opened up the channel to be greeted with a very smug looking Cardassian Gul Dorvon. He seemed to be amused at the Ermiana's situation.

"You appear to be in a spot of trouble Captain..." he stated simply.

"The Maquis caught us off guard. They used the Bismarck to disable us," Misaka replied simply as she met his gaze.

"And where are they now?"

"We're not sure."

"Once again, Starfleet shows that it's useless at quelling these Maquis. I will be taking over now since you have failed." Dorvon said simply. He signalled to one of his officers with his hand to do something before turning back to face Misaka. "Transport over Gul Jalek and we'll finish what you started."

"We can't do that." Misaka said in response. "Gul Jalek was abducted by one of their raiding parties. He wasn't killed, so I imagine they need him for something."

"This is an outrage!" Dorvon exclaimed, his voice higher than usual. "We will find these terrorists and take back out Gul. This is now a Cardassian Matter! Once we execute those terrorists, we will claim the Starship Bismarck as salvage! I'd stay out of my way if I were you!"

The comm line cut off leaving the bridge in Stunned silence. Misaka tapped her comm badge. "All hands this is the Captain. I need you all to double your efforts, the stakes just got higher. All Senior staff report to the observation lounge, now."

Posting by:

Captain Mikoto Misaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Eila Juutilainen 'Illu'
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Peter Carter Jr
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Commander Sonak
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant James Henderson
Chief Helmsman

Lieutenant Felicie Giehl
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant JG Kromal Ezazzan
Chief Operations Officet


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