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Planning A Trap (Part 1)

Posted on Thu Jul 11th, 2024 @ 11:45pm by Captain Mikoto Misaka & Breeze & Lieutenant Commander Peter Carter Jr & Lieutenant Commander Lurath, Son of Grogori & Lieutenant Commander Sonak & Commander Eila Juutilainen 'Illu' & Lieutenant James Henderson & Lieutenant JG Feeva Drylo
Edited on on Thu Jul 11th, 2024 @ 11:46pm

1,836 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Search
Location: Observation Lounge - Deck 1

It had been three hours since Commander Juutilainen and Lurath's teams had secured the Maquis Supply Depot. Captain Misaka had called a meeting of the ships senior staff to discuss their next options. She was currently standing at the windows, a cup of green tea in her hand as she stared down at the large asteroid that they were orbiting. She could see the several shuttles that the Ermiana was using to transport the stolen supplies back to their ship.

Tifang was in an Obscure corner trying to get the hang of her new duties; it was Administrative, this is a new way of thinking. She had the training and a Cadet style introduction ; crash course, of being the Yeoman to a Captain of a Capitol Ship. Her Catian background and prior training; which was rejected eventually, then they found a duty Slot that she could excel in. It also came with being an administration officer. of smaller stature she had been relegated to the Company Secretary when not active in the Field Operation.

Still, she could not complain about the assignment; her Captain was kind to her, but there were moments that Tifang would keep her Fangs under raps for the good of a working relationship, or if Tifang was in the wrong.

Still; she was learning this job so she kept her focus on that for the moment as the Meeting would fill.

Miss Breeze had quite the refreshment choices that tickled Tifang's nose and her mouth water as she 'should' wait for the others before indulging herself. but the finger Tuna melt sandwiches were really calling out to be ... consumed.

[No one will know... really] Her one handed signing sounded through the translator like carefully chosen words as she noted the Captain not paying attention to them.

"Thank you." Tifang accepted the luscious treat and sure to have it 'consumed' in a lady like fashion and not lick her paw tips.

Eila walked in with a cup of strong black coffee in hand. Just hours ago, she had been under fire as she and her team had taken part in securing the supply depot, and now here she was calmly striding into another briefing drinking the beverage that was the Finnish lifeblood.

Such was the life of a First Officer in Starfleet, Eila supposed.

"Captain, Ensign." Eila nodded to Mikoto and Tifang. She was about to nod to the Civilian present when she did a double take and turned to Mikoto: "Are civilians supposed to be here?" She asked in an attempted hushed tone.

Tifang gave a slight grin so not to show her very pronounced Fangs, part of her Namesake given at birth.

[I have made sure you can be refreshed during the meeting.] Breeze commented. [Nothing to heavy as to make anyone sleepy.} She smiled and gave a bow. [I shall return to my Ten Forward, please enjoy.]

"Thankyou," Mikoto said with a small smile at Breeze. 'She knows how to look after us...' she thought as she turned to see the doors open.

Lurath came into the Observation Room quietly. He had nothing in his hand to drink or even eat. The half Klingon just walked in, nodded to those he could see, and immediately sat down. He had an unsettled look about him. A part of him was still dealing with Kromal's injury under his command during the away mission. However, there was something else he could not shake. He prided himself on maintaining his calm during tense situations, but when the Gorn was injured, a part of him erupted and it was like that calm he had shut down and he reacted like a full blooded Klingon. He reacted... like his father.

"Ah Commander." The captain said. "Help yourself to the replicator. I heard things got a little... difficult down there. I am eager to hear your report once everyone is here."

How about a strong cappuccino double shot. Breeze projected. Better than any replicated creation by far.

Lurath looked over to the Captain, he said nothing as he held onto his stern face, before nodding to her.

Lieutenant Henderson strode into the observation lounge and made his way to the replicator.

“Raktajino, double strong, double sweet,” he ordered, the rich aroma of the Klingon coffee filling the room as the drink materialized. With the warm cup in hand, he took his seat at the lower end of the sleek, curved table that dominated the room.

As the others began to filter in, Henderson’s thoughts drifted. He found himself pondering over the mission, and also musing on ways to foster a deeper connection with the one who had unwittingly captured his attention. The challenge wasn’t just in finding the time, but in bridging the gap that duty and decorum had placed between them.

Feeva had finally managed to escape the confines of Medical after turning on the EMH and ensuring that everything was OK. She didn't have any patients for a few hours, so she was free to attend the meeting. She took a seat in the rear, doing her best to blend in to the wall. She turned on her PADD, and got ready to take notes. She forwent the treats, though it smelled good-she would surely end up with most of it on her tunic, though!

Pete had been on his feet for nearly 30 hours and he was feeling it. He was genuinely afraid that if he sat down he'd be unconscious by the time his back hit the chair. "Is that coffee?" He asked pointing to a carafe, somebody nodded. Pete poured himself a half cup, downing it in short two gulps. He added a spoonful of sugar and then poured himself a full cup this time. Pete looked at his chair for a second and changed his mind and leaned against one of the window bulkheads.

Once everyone had arrived, Mikoto finally took her seat. She cleared her throat to bring everyone to attention and turned her attention to Commanders Lurath and Juutilainen. "I trust you two have a report?"

Eila nodded.

"Yes, Captain: The Maquis supply depot is secure." Eila reported. "We ran into some resistance securing their cargo area, but it seemed the Maquis was more concerned with preventing their command center from falling. We've beamed up all the cargo we can and are taking inventory of what they had so that the stolen goods may be returned to their proper owners."

Lurath remained silent. The XO's words remained floating in his mind. The Maquis was more concerned with preventing their command center from falling. The half Klingon repeated. He clenched his fists slightly as he refrained from releasing a Klingon growl. 'It wasn't coordinated.' He thought. 'If they coordinated their attack they could have caught them by surprise, preventing Kromal from being hit first and taken out of action.' He closed his eyes slightly and looked down. 'The plan was poorly constructed and poorly executed. It's their fault!' Lurath thought fiercely before looked up again, the stern look now angry and more Klingon.

"The Command Center was captured, despite the Maquis alert to our presence." His eyes immediately locked with the Executive Officers. "You moved too earlier, which alerted the others, and gave them enough time to prepare a counter attack. If the attacks on the supply depot and command center were coordinated we could have caught both areas off guard and received minimal resistance. Lieutenant Ezazzan was injured because they were made aware of our presence."

"Speaking of the Lieutenant, how is he handling?" Mikoto asked turning her attention to Feeva who was representing the ship's sickbay.

"Well. He's alive," she said. That was the most they could hope for right now. "We have him on constant monitoring, and in a medical coma. He'll be ok, though, I am sure..." She hoped she sounded more hopeful than she felt.

Mikoto nodded. "What do you need?" She asked the doctor simply.

Feeva smiled. "As much time as we can spare," she said. "But a secondary opinion on injuries would be helpful," she said. "We're not super-far from an outlasting that has a specialist...their CMO trained under some of the best in the fleet, but is a specialist in Xenobiology," she explained.

"Perhaps it would be in our best interests to find a way to get him there:" Eila suggested, turning to Lurath. "Without attracting the Cardassians' attention:"

Eila could tell by the looks she was receiving by the half-Klingon that he likely believed that she was aloof and inattentive, but to the contrary, she was well-aware of their current situation:

"Contact the doctors you need on a secure subspace channel. I want you to keep him under strict observation. We're in dangerous waters out here, so we'll have to do everything we can out here before we turn the ship around." Mikoto said. It sounded a little cold and heartless, but after all the capture of the Bismarck came first. "However, keep a runabout fitted with a medical module on standby. As a last resort in case we need to get him to the specialist."

Feeva simply nodded, making a note in the PADD she held. She was the quiet type, timid, even, and so would remain mostly silent.

"Commander. You made a note on the inventory that there is a Maquis fighter craft that was being repaired stored down there." Mikoto asked as she turned to look over at Eila.

"Indeed there was:" Eila responded. "It's currently sitting in shuttlebay 2. We brought it up as a high priority item so the Maquis wouldn't have fighting implements to return to if they did decide they wanted to try and retake the depot."

"Then why stop there?" Lurath interjected. Something about what the XO said about the Maquis wouldn't have fighting implements to return to unsettled him. Maybe it was the Klingon in him, but it was also the Starfleet Officer part of him that felt that leaving the Maquis, who weren't even their primary objective, unable to defend themselves against the Cardassians was only leading them to death.

"They still have their weapons, so lets take those as well. Let's take everything they have so when the Cardassian's find this place, assuming they don't already know about it, the Maquis here are as good as dead." Lurath looked around the room and let out a disapproving sigh. "Let's just skip all the unpleasantries and kill them here and now, huh? Because it will be a mercy compared to what the Cardassian's will do to them. I thought we were supposed to be on the Maquis side? Most of there ranks are former Starfleet Officers who are just standing up for what they think is wrong." He paused again and groaned. "When a Klingon, by comparison, seems more compassionate then you know you've done something wrong."

To be continued...


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