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Ermiana Enters the Field (Part 3)

Posted on Fri Jun 12th, 2020 @ 5:46pm by Captain Mikoto Misaka & Lieutenant Touma Kamijou & Lieutenant Commander Mackenzie "Mac" Taylor & Lieutenant Commander Lurath, Son of Grogori & Lieutenant Commander Avram Bradford Dr. & Lieutenant Callum McDowell & Lieutenant Commander Peter Carter Jr & Lieutenant Zon th'Tetz
Edited on on Fri Jun 12th, 2020 @ 6:29pm

1,448 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: New Beginnings
Location: Various

Previously on Star Trek Ermiana:

them. I spent, a long time, constantly hearing voices in my head. Being violated. Watching myself do things with no control to stop it." He said with a sign before adding. "I am well aware, we will encounter those who have the same capabilities, but for a fellow officer to know why I am not ready for someone to be able to go into my mind and do it anyway shows a lack of respect. And even after knowing, abilities or not, that I am offended and make no attempt to apologize or make amends so as I know it wasn't on purpose only further emphasizes that lack of respect for a fellow officer. A crewmate." Darius picked up his combadge and looked back to Mikoto. "If the situation was reversed, would you believe, I would not make some kind of attempt to correct that mistake? If I were to grab someone, without thinking and cause an injury, do you think I would just brush it off? What kind of officer would I be? What kind of person would I be?" He closed his hand around the combadge and leaned back from the table, straightening up. "Ma'am, this is less about one offense then understanding this one will only escalate to a point where my frustration will get the better of me and both hers, and my, careers maybe at risk. I have too much respect for this uniform, and my training as a peace officer, to tarnish both highly skilled officers. That's why I am not here to lodge a complaint against her. I would rather leave by my own accord because, I know, she will not it that way. She will only see her doing what she has always done and accepting that there is no problem other than from my end."

And now the continuation...

Mikoto pondered for a few moments in regards to what Darius had just told her. "You should know that Commander Taylor is very proud of her work on the Ermiana. For the last year she had led the construction efforts, so I believe that mentioning it is just a matter of pride. As for her position as the Executive Officer, that was my hand that caused that. She was highlighted by Starfleet Command to step into the role, however she was adament on sticking as an Engineer. I gave her that final push, she is well out of her comfort zone as well. She needs to adapt to the situation as well as you" she explained to him. "I'm not going to say that it's going to be easy, in fact I expect the complete opposite, everyone here is new to their role and position that includes myself. But over time we will learn to get used to it and do what needs to be done"

"As for the Borg..." Mikoto said. "I can honestly say to you that I know the absolute horrors they inflict on others. I was serving as a Tactical officer on the Bellerophon at Wolf 359. Out of the nearly eight hundred crew only a handful survived, I was lucky, as was the ships Executive Officer Commander Buxton. We watched from our escape pod as those bastards tractor hundred of pods into their bay and capture them. I felt hopeless, defenseless, powerless to stop them. Trust me when I say this, that if we ever encounter them again, you'll have to stop me from taking up your tactical station and blowing holes in them with every weapon this ship has to offer" Mikoto explained her fists clenched. "I don't know what hell they put you through Commander, nor can I imagine it. But I want you to know that this ship and crew will support each other, if we all have a little faith and understanding in each others abilities, history and skills"

"I know you don't, but see through it from my perspective, for a moment." Darius replied softly. "I fought the Borg, same as you, and I was ready to die in that fight. But then, I was on the other side, fighting against Starfleet. Assimilating and killing people who wore the same uniform I dedicated my life to serve under and defend with pride. I saw both sides of battles like that. I would have preferred death over turning on my own and putting them through the same horror." He placed his hands behind his back, clearing his throat, before looking into her eyes.

"Like I said, I know she was only doing what came naturally, but even after knowing and offense was made there was no attempt to mend that trust. The only thing I saw, with my own eyes and experience in reading people, is that she felt she did no wrong and could have cared less if I was offended. I don't have the experience with her that you do, but how do you expect me to develop trust with her, or her with me, if there is no attempt to keep that respect. I get she doesn't know me from any other officer, but I still wear the same uniform she does, and that has earned me at least an attempt." He looked down slightly before letting out a deep sigh. "I'll do as you ask and give it some thought, but should it continues, my next step is contacting command and asking for a new assignment. No disrespect to you, or her, but I wont be put into a situation where the preferred option is damaging my career over a Command Officers. Especially one, in your own words, was highlighted by Starfleet Command. Somehow, my career, would seem less significant over one they chose themselves."

"I can understand that" Mikoto said simply. "I believe that you should talk to the Commander, let her know what you went through. If she knows what you've just told me, then you may develop an understanding. From that you can build trust. It needs both sides to co-operate and I believe that if you work at it, you'll make a good team. But I understand your concerns and I can emphasize with what you've been through, however I believe that we're all here for a reason and we need to work together as a crew. Hopefully we can prevent others from going through what you and I have"

"If you feel the need, to act as a mediator, I won't stop you." Darius stopped before he could finish his sentence. A part of him wanted to continue, but he felt it would only cause more confusion or make it worse. Instead, looked away slightly before asking. "I have said my piece so, if there is nothing you wish to speak up, I will return to my station."

Mikoto rose from her chair and simply smiled. "Understood Commander" she said as she followed him out onto the bridge.


"How's she holding Lieutenant McDowell?" Mikoto asked as she settled down into the center chair once again.

McDowell glanced down at his console. "We're holding steady at warp nine." He replied. "Everything looks good."

Darius returned to his station, taking it back from the officer who took control when he stepped away. He tapped on the console, double checking the status of the weapons and shields, before crossing his arms over his chest and facing the main screen. He returned to his firm look, hiding a slight burden now off his shoulders.

"Ease her off. I think we've stretched her legs and warmed her up nicely" Mikoto said. "Cruising speed ahead to Veridian Three" she ordered. She pulled up the status of ship system operations on the arm chair control. She wanted to see how the ship was holding out, so far it seemed to be holding out nicely. "She's well built at least, nice to know if we need it in a pinch..." she thought to herself.

The Lieutenant nodded and began inputting commands. "Reducing speed to warp six."

Mikoto nodded. "Well, we've got about a week or so before we reach the Veridian System" she said as she stood up. She tapped her comm badge. "Misaka to all Department Heads, we have a little time until we reach the designated system. Please report to the observation lounge for a mission briefing"

Posting by

Captain Mikoto Misaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Mackenzie "Mac" Taylor
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Darius Cayne
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Commander Avram Bradford Dr.
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Callum McDowell
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant Peter Carter Jr
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Zon th'Tetz
Chief of Operations


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