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Line in the Sand (Part 3)

Posted on Thu Jul 11th, 2024 @ 11:59pm by Captain Banri Edasaki & Lieutenant Commander Lurath, Son of Grogori
Edited on on Fri Jul 12th, 2024 @ 12:00am

1,400 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Search
Location: U.S.S. Bismarck Bridge

Previously on Star Trek Ermiana:

"Before you beam aboard, I will give your Captain a code. This code will unlocked the rest of the systems on the Galor Cruise. However, there is a catch." Zodrac said as he focused mainly on their Captain. "At the moment, shields and life support are the only functions on the ship. When you all are onboard I will remove the restrictions on navigations and you can leave, but you won't have weapons or access to anything else."

"How are we going to be able to defend ourselves?!!" Yelled the Tactical Officer.

"I'm getting to that." Zodrac replied, looking over to the Tactical officer and then easing his gaze back to the Maquis Captain. "That code, to unlock every other system, will only be available once that Galor class is far enough away from the Bismarck. The distance is set to outside the Badlands." Before the Tactical Officer could say something, Zodrac raised his hand to stop him, his eyes still focused on John. The Cardassians won't be looking for one of their own ships and, I made sure, communications was the first thing to be shut down when I started my work. So, no one will know you're onboard. The Bismarck is still their primary target and you'll be safe to leave the Badlands without incident."

The tactical officer refrained from speaking up, but looked over to John. He wasn't sure how much of this he was going to allow to go on but it seemed the Cardy had covered all his bases. "John?"

And now the continuation...

"Now, hear my out. This is your only chance to leave this system without anymore problems. I am giving you an opportunity to leave without a Cardassian or Starfleet ship catching you. I can't promise, if we make it back to the Ermiana, whether the Cardassians from that ship will make it a point to contact their government and let them know the Cruiser is in your hands. I can't prevent that, but I can give you a chance to disappear for a while."

"And why would we do that?" The Tactical Officer asked.

Zodrac shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know... Maybe to study your new Cardassian designed Galor Cruiser? Learn its operations? Modify it for Maquis use? Learn what you can from its offenses and defenses so that you can easily dispatch a ship just like it should you have to?" He looked over to the Maquis Captain again and spoke firmly to him. "You've done a lot here. You left a lot of bodies in your wake, so its best to lay low for a bit and rethink things. Clearly, you ran into this situation without thinking and full of hatred because of what's been done to you, I get it, but the Cardassians and Starfleet won't see it that way. Innocent lives and innocent lives and taking them, regardless of not knowing whether they were there in the first place, is still a crime. I said this before, I believe in what you are doing, but you're doing it the wrong way. You'll being driven by your anger and that's allowing you common sense and Starfleet Training to be affected. If you continue, like this, more damage will be done and there will be no defending it once you get caught." He took a deep breath and shrugged. "I don't mean to monologue, but regardless of how many ways I say it, you all know I am right and this is a chance for you all to escape. How you deal with the lives you've taken today is on you. Captain Edasaki and I will deal with the Cardassians and getting this ship moving to the closest Starfleet ship. We'll do what we can."

John pondered on Zodrac's words for a few seconds. He turned to the tactical officer. "Get everyone together. Prepare to beam over to that Cruiser." He ordered simply. He then looked back at Zodrac staring him down for a second before looking over at Banri. "Captain Edasaki, I return your ship to you. You'll find the co-ordinates of where we relocated your crew. They're on a Class M moon in the Allerton system."

He then turned around and began walking towards the turbolift. Before he reached the doors he stopped and spoke once more. "If you ever want to really make a difference out here Mister Zodrac, we could use someone like you on our side. If you ever feel that Starfleet aren't doing enough..."

Zodrac eased his arms down and placed his hands on his hips. He paused for a moment. The Maquis Captain, John, wasn't wrong. With Zodrac's knowledge of the Cardassian system, contacts, and current undercover position with the Cardassian Militia and Obsidian Order, he could definitely make a difference. However, after everything he saw, he knew there would be one thing that wouldn't allow it to work. "Be honest with me. Given the hatred I've witness here, just being a Cardassian, do you honestly believe I would want to put my family in the middle of that? My daughter?!" He scoffed slightly and looked around the bridge again before locking eyes with John again. "I think, your people, would have a hard time looking passed her Cardassian lineage. I could deal with it. Her? She wouldn't understand why no one would like her just because she was born different."

"The offer is there if you ever need a place to go. You might be Cardassian, however you at least understand what we're facing out here," John said. With that said he stepped through the doors into the turbolift leaving Zodrac and Banri alone on the bridge.

Once the bridge was cleared with Maquis, leaving just the two of them, Zodrac let out a deep breath. He walked slightly away from the console and took a moment to access his next move. "I'll be honest... for a moment there... I thought they were going to shoot us." He looked over to Banri and chuckled slightly. "Well... more me than you. Which is fair. I did get them what they wanted, I just left a few things out."

Banri couldn't help but smile. "Remind me to never play you at poker." She chuckled as she made her way towards the helm. "Now the next big question is. Where is that Starship you said you were from?"

"I'll be able to find it." Zodrac replied before walking over to her. "We still have a problem, Captain. I wasn't lying when I said this ship is marked by the Cardassian Military. If we get spotted on a Cardassian sensor then we'll be attacked without question. No communication. No chance to surrender. This ship has destroyed several ships and they will give it no chance. To the Cardassians, this is just about revenge as it was for the Maquis. Given the state we are in with shields and just us, the chances of survival is pretty low. We could released some of the Cardassians, but that could be risky and I don't think you or the Federation wants them snooping in your computer system."

"I agree, but it's a risk we have to take," Banri replied. "Afterall they do say that risk comes with the uniform. If we can find your ship, then they should be able to help us. Frankly I'd appreciate some friendlier faces right now."

"I wouldn't exactly say that the Cardassians would have a friendlier face." Zodrac replied.

"We'll deal with them once we get moving," Banri said. "Afterall, we're a sitting duck right now and without a full crew we need to find safe harbour until we can make repairs."

Zodrac paused for a moment before smirking slightly. "I have an idea. Let me work the details out. For now, I'll head to stellar cartography to see about locating the Ermiana. You stay here and monitor the Maquis. Once they leave, let me know and then meet me by the cargo hold where the Cardassians are." He began to walk away, before stopping to turn around. "And don't forget to bring a weapon. I can't promise my people will behave themselves."

"Got it," Banri replied simply.

Posting by:

Captain Banri Edasaki
Commanding Officer
USS Bismarck

Gul Jalak Rin/Lieutenant Zodrac Kosh [Lurath NPC]
Undercover Starfleet Intelligence Officer

John Casey
Maquis Leader


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