Auxiliary Craft Manifest

Created by Captain Mikoto Misaka on Wed May 29th, 2024 @ 9:17pm


Type 16 Shuttlepod


Type: Medium short-range sublight shuttle.
Accommodation: Two; pilot and system manager.
Power Plant: Two 750 millicochrane impulse driver engines, four RCS thrusters, four sarium krellide storage cells.
Dimensions: Length, 4.8 m; beam, 2.4 m; height 1.6 m.
Mass: 1.25 metric tones.
Performance: Maximum delta-v, 12,250 m/sec.
Armament: Two Type-IV phaser emitters.

Like the Type-15, the Type-16 Shuttlepod is a two person craft primarily used for short-ranged transportations of personnel and cargo, as well as for extravehicular inspections of Federation starships, stations and associated facilities. Lacking the ability to obtain warp speeds, the Type-16 is a poor candidate for even interplanetary travel, and is traditionally used as a means of transport between objects only a few kilometers apart. The craft is capable of atmospheric flight, allowing for routine flights between orbiting craft or stations and planetside facilities, and its cargo capacity is slightly higher then that of the Type-15. Ships of this type are stationed aboard various starship classes and stations, both spaceborne and planetside.

Complement: 12 Total


Hull Number
Primary Location
Bethany SP16-01 Shuttlebay 1
Isla SP16-02 Shuttlebay 1
Lily SP16-03 Shuttlebay 1
Ruth SP16-04 Shuttlebay 1
Kelsey SP16-05 Shuttlebay 1
Phoebe SP16-06 Shuttlebay 1
Emily SP16-07 Shuttlebay 1
Anya SP16-08 Shuttlebay 2
Rachel SP16-09 Shuttlebay 2
Robyn SP16-10 Shuttlebay 3
Joanna SP16-11
Shuttlebay 3
Rebecca SP16-12 Shuttlebay 3

Type 18 Shuttlepod


Type: Medium short-range sublight shuttle.
Accommodation: Two; pilot and system manager.
Power Plant: Two 800 millicochrane impulse driver engines, four RCS thrusters, four sarium krellide storage cells.
Dimensions: Length, 4.5 m; beam, 3.1 m; height 1.8 m.
Mass: 1.12 metric tones.
Performance: Maximum delta-v, 16,750 m/sec.
Armament: Three Type-V phaser emitters.

Developed in the mid-2360s, the Type-18 Shuttlepod is somewhat of a departure from the traditional layout for ships of its size. In response to the growing threat of conflicts with various galactic powers bordering or near to the Federation, this shuttlepod was designed to handle more vigorous assignments that still fell into the short-range roles of a shuttlepods. Even with her parent vessel under attack, the Type-18 was designed to function in battle situations and could even be used as an escape vehicle should the need arise. Lacking a warp core, the pod is a poor choice for travel beyond several million kilometers.

Complement: 8 Total


Hull Number
Primary Location
Phineas SP18-01 Shuttlebay 1
Ferb SP18-02 Shuttlebay 1
Isabella SP18-03 Shuttlebay 1
Baljeet SP18-04 Shuttlebay 1
Buford SP18-05 Shuttlebay 1
Candace SP18-06 Shuttlebay 1
Stacey SP18-07 Shuttlebay 1
Perry SP18-08 Shuttlebay 2


Type 6 Shuttlecraft


Type: Light short-range warp shuttle.
Accommodation: Two flight crew, six passengers.
Power Plant: One 50 cochrane warp engine, two 750 millicochrane impulse engines, four RCS thrusters.
Dimensions: Length, 6.0 m; beam, 4.4 m; height 2.7 m.
Mass: 3.38 metric tones.
Performance: Sustained Warp 3.
Armament: Two Type-IV phaser emitters.

The Type-6 Personnel Shuttlecraft is currently in widespread use throughout Starfleet, and is only recently being replaced by the slightly newer Type-8 Shuttle of similar design. The Uprated version of this vessel is considered to be the ideal choice for short-range interplanetary travel, and its large size makes it suitable to transport personnel and cargo over these distances. A short-range transporter is installed onboard, allowing for easy beam out of cargo and crew to and from their destination. Atmospheric flight capabilities allow for this shuttle type to land on planetary surfaces. Ships of this type are currently in use aboard virtually every medium to large sized starship class, as well as aboard stations and Starbases.

The Type-6 is perhaps the most successful shuttle design to date, and its overall structure and components are the foundations upon which the Type-8, -9, and -10 spaceframes are based.

Major technological advancements in the 2370’s allowed for further upgrades to be made to the engine systems aboard shuttlecraft. These upgrades make this craft more capable of long-range spaceflight and, like its starship counterparst, no longer damages subspace.

Complement: 12 Total


Hull Number
Primary Location
Yorkshire T6-01 Shuttlebay 1
Lancashire T6-02 Shuttlebay 1
Derbyshire T6-03 Shuttlebay 1
Essex T6-04 Shuttlebay 1
Somerset T6-05 Shuttlebay 1
Lincolnshire T6-06 Shuttlebay 1
Lincolnshire T6-07 Shuttlebay 1
Suffolk T6-08 Shuttlebay 2
Oxfordshire T6-09 Shuttlebay 3
Surrey T6-10 Shuttlebay 3
Nottinghamshire T6-11
Shuttlebay 3
Wiltshire T6-12 Shuttlebay 3

Type 7 Shuttlecraft


Type: Medium short-range warp shuttle.
Accommodation: Two flight crew, six passengers.
Power Plant: One 150 cochrane warp engine, two 750 millicochrane impulse engines, four RCS thrusters.
Dimensions: Length, 8.5 m; beam, 3.6 m; height 2.7 m.
Mass: 3.96 metric tones.
Performance: Sustained Warp 4.
Armament: Two Type-V phaser emitters.

With the borders of the Federation ever expanding as Starfleet reached the latter half of the 24th Century, the ASDB realized that there was sufficient need for a shuttlecraft capable of making the week-long journeys between planets and stations at low warp. The Type-7 was the first step in this direction, and is equipped for short-range warp travel. To offer comfort to its occupants, the shuttle contains a standard replicator system and sleeping compartments. The forward and aft compartments are separated by a small, informal living area that has a workstation and table. The aft area is normally equipped with a bunk area, but can easily be converted to allow for increased cargo capabilities. A medium-range transporter and atmospheric flight capabilities allow for the Type-7 to service starbases, starships and stations. Ships of this type are currently in use aboard most medium to large sized starship classes, as well as aboard stations and Starbases.

Major technological advancements in the 2370’s allowed for further upgrades to be made to the engine systems aboard shuttlecraft. These upgrades make this craft more capable of long-range spaceflight and, like its starship counterparts, no longer damages subspace.

Complement: 10 Total


Hull Number
Primary Location
Taiga T7-01 Shuttlebay 1
Kurisu T7-02 Shuttlebay 1
Rin T7-03 Shuttlebay 1
Asuka T7-04 Shuttlebay 1
Louise T7-05 Shuttlebay 1
Kagami T7-06 Shuttlebay 1
Minami T7-07 Shuttlebay 1
Ririchiyo T7-08 Shuttlebay 2
Ryouko T7-09 Shuttlebay 3
Aria T7-10 Shuttlebay 3

Type 8 Shuttlecraft


Type: Light long-range warp shuttle.
Accommodation: Two flight crew, six passengers.
Power Plant: One 150 cochrane warp engine, two 750 millicochrane impulse engines, four RCS thrusters.
Dimensions: Length, 6.2 m; beam, 4.5 m; height 2.8 m.
Mass: 3.47 metric tones.
Performance: Warp 4.
Armament: Two Type-V phaser emitters.

Based upon the frame of the Type-6, the Type-8 Shuttlecraft is the most capable follow-up in the realm of personnel shuttles. Only slightly larger, the Type-8 is equipped with a medium-range transporter and has the ability to travel within a planet’s atmosphere. With a large cargo area that can also seat six passengers, the shuttle is a capable transport craft. Slowly replacing its elder parent craft, the Type-8 is now seeing rapid deployment on all medium to large starships, as well as to Starbases and stations throughout the Federation.

Complement: 12 Total


Hull Number
Primary Location
York T8-01 Shuttlebay 1
Huddersfield T8-02 Shuttlebay 1
Leeds T8-03 Shuttlebay 1
Thirsk T8-04 Shuttlebay 1
Manchester T8-05 Shuttlebay 1
Liverpool T8-06 Shuttlebay 1
Scarborough T8-07 Shuttlebay 1
Saltburn T8-08 Shuttlebay 1
Newcastle T8-09 Shuttlebay 1
Middlesbrough T8-10 Shuttlebay 1
Marsden T8-11
Shuttlebay 3
Dewsbury T8-12 Shuttlebay 3

Service & Maintenance Vehicles

Type 9A Cargo Shuttlecraft


Type: Heavy long-range warp shuttle.
Accommodation: Two flight crew.
Power Plant: One 150 cochrane warp engine, two 750 millicochrane impulse engines, six RCS thrusters.
Dimensions: Length, 10.5 m; beam, 4.2 m; height 3.6 m.
Mass: 8.9 metric tones.
Performance: Warp 4.
Armament: Two Type-V phaser emitters.
Short of a full-fledged transport ship, the Type-9A Cargo Shuttle is the primary shuttle of choice for cargo runs at major Starfleet facilities. Originally developed by the ASDB team stationed at Utopia Planitia, the 9A served as cargo vessel that carried components from the surface of Mars to the facilities in orbit. While able to travel at warp velocities, the 9A is somewhat slow at sub-light speeds, especially when carrying large amounts of cargo. The front of the shuttle is divided by a wall with a closable hatch, allowing for the aft area to be opened to the vacuum of space. The 9A also has the ability to carry one Sphinx Workpod in the aft area. A medium-range transporter and atmospheric flight capabilities allow it to easily complete its tasks. While rarely seen stationed aboard all but the largest starships, the Type-9A is a common site at any large Starfleet facility.

Complement: 2 Total


Hull Number
Primary Location
Rumia 9A1 Shuttlebay 1
Sistine 9A2 Shuttlebay 1

Work Bee's


Type: Utility craft.
Accommodation: One operator.
Power Plant: One microfusion reactor, four RCS thrusters.
Dimensions: Length, 4.11 m; beam, 1.92 m; height 1.90 m.
Mass: 1.68 metric tones.
Performance: Maximum delta-v, 4,000 m/sec.
Armament: None
The Work Bee is a capable stand-alone craft used for inspection of spaceborne hardware, repairs, assembly, and other activates requiring remote manipulators. The fully pressurized craft has changed little in design during the past 150 years, although periodic updates to the internal systems are done routinely. Onboard fuel cells and microfusion generators can keep the craft operational for 76.4 hours, and the life-support systems can provide breathable air, drinking water and cooling for the pilot for as long as fifteen hours. If the pilot is wearing a pressure suit or SEWG, the craft allows for the operator to exit while conducting operations. Entrance and exit is provided by the forward window, which lifts vertically to allow the pilot to come and go.

A pair of robotic manipulator arms is folded beneath the main housing, and allows for work to be done through pilot-operated controls. In addition, the Work Bee is capable of handling a cargo attachment that makes it ideal for transferring cargo around large Starbase and spaceborne construction facilities. The cargo attachment features additional microfusion engines for supporting the increased mass.

Complement: 8 Total


Hull Number
Primary Location
Gresley WB1 Shuttlebay 1
Thompson WB2 Shuttlebay 1
Peppercorn WB3 Shuttlebay 1
Ivatt WB4 Shuttlebay 1
McDonnell WB5 Shuttlebay 1
Raven WB6 Shuttlebay 1
Heywood WB7 Shuttlebay 1
Tennant WB8 Shuttlebay 1

Sphinx Workpod


Type: Light industrial manipulator (Sphinx M1A), medium industrial manipulator (Sphinx M2A), medium tug (Sphinx MT3D).
Accommodation: Pilot (M1A, M2A); pilot and cargo specialist (MT3D).
Power Plant: One microfusion reactor, four alfinium krellide power storage cells, four RCS thrusters.
Dimensions: Length, 6.2 m; beam, 2.6 m; height 2.5 m.
Mass: 1.2 metric tones.
Performance: Maximum delta-v, 2,000 m/sec.
Armament: None
Along with the Work Bee, the various Sphinx Workpod types are a common site in any large Federation shipbuilding facility. Intended never to be far from its parent facility, the Workpod was designed to allow greater user hands-on control of the various functions involved with day-to-day construction and repair. With more tools then the Work Bee, the Sphinx M1A and M2A are used primarily to manipulate spaceborne hardware during construction. The Sphinx MT3D is a third variant of this robust design, and can be used for towing objects to and from the construction site. Furthermore, a group of MT3D units can work together to tow larger objects into place, including most starship classes, when large tractor emitters are not an option. All three variants utilize the same basic systems, and are small enough to fit inside of a Type-9A Cargo Shuttlecraft. All variants of the Sphinx Workpod are commonly found at Federation Fleet Yards and Starbases, as well as on larger Starfleet vessels.

Complement: 2 Total


Hull Number
Primary Location
Brunel SPX1 Shuttlebay 1
Stephenson SPX2 Shuttlebay 1

Captains Yacht


Type: Galaxy Class Integrated Craft
Accommodation: 3 flight crew, 4 passengers.
Power Plant: Toroidal driver coil-based impulse propulsion system; aerodyne flight motors.
Dimensions: Length: 18 m; Width: 10 m (full wingspan); Height: 8 m
Performance: Maximum impulse: 0.65c; normal atmospheric cruising velocity: Mach 6; maximum atmospheric velocity: Mach 20.
Armament: None

Galaxy-class vessels are equipped with an auxiliary spacecraft normally used for diplomatic missions called the Captain's Yacht. Much larger then a shuttlecraft, the Captain's Yacht is mounted on the underside of the ship's saucer section where it remains docked during normal flight operations. Access to the Yacht is provided through dorsal entry hatch affixed to a docking collar on the upper half of the craft. It is essentially divided into two decks, with the bottom deck housing a toroidal driver coil-based impulse propulsion system, two landing legs for planetary landings, a series of aerodyne flight motors for atmospheric flight as well as fuel and maintenance access to various subsystems.

Manned by a normal flight crew of two and one service representative to assist diplomatic guests, the upper deck houses a flight deck, two modest staterooms, flight crew bunks, and a galley. While not equipped with any means of warp propulsion, the Yacht is specially designed so that it can be launched from its parent ships at speeds as high as Warp 7, where it then coasts down to normal impulse speeds. A deflector system and onboard sensor pallets make the craft suitable for short-range travel. Used normally to transport dignitaries to and from a planet's surface when normal transporter use is not possible, the Yacht is capable of atmospheric flight and planetary landing. Entry/egress platforms on both ends of the craft allow the crew to easily enter and exit the craft.

Complement: 1 Total


Hull Number
Primary Location
Sapphire Iona NCC 74539 Captains Yacht Docking Bay

Danube Class Runabouts


Length: 23.1 meters
Width: 13.7 meters
Height: 5.4 meters
Mass: 158.7 metric tons
Full Impulse: .25c
Cruise Speed: Warp 4
Maximum Velocity Warp 4.7 (for twelve hours)
Standard - 6 Type V phaser arrays

Requirement of a warp capable shuttlecraft was issued in the 2340s. The development of such a warp capable shuttle was to be capable of short and medium range missions and assignments. The original Type-10 runabouts were created, but soon we found to be limited in their size. The development of the Danube-Class runabouts began in 2363. They were first introduced in 2368. The Danube-Class runabouts feature a front cabin for four. The pilot, co-pilot/operations, and two mission specialists. There is also a two person transporter in the rear of the front cabin. Aft of the front cabin are the mission specific modules. Based on the nature of the modular design, the runabout can be converted to other mission-type specific requirements such as personnel transporter, cargo transporter, scientific expeditions, tactical assignments, prison transports, medical transports, etc. There is also an optional photon torpedo module on the top of the Danube-Class runabout.The Danube-Class runabout is highly customizable and for extended travel, the rear of the craft can be configured as a large cabin with sleeping (bunk beds) and dining areas. In normal cases, this rear area is generally used as a cargo bay.

Complement: 5 Total


Hull Number
Primary Location
Ouse NCC 76514 Shuttlebay 1
Thames NCC 76892 Shuttlebay 1
Severn NCC 79314 Shuttlebay 1
Humber NCC 76413 Shuttlebay 1
Aire NCC 75138 Shuttlebay 1

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